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Exercies have unexpected benefits


   Just as exercise strengthen the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it may also power up the brain. A succession of scientific studies of animals implies that physcial activity has a positive effect on mental functioning.

   Brain scientis William Grennough's stuies with rats have demonstrated two primary effects of activity:vigorous physical exercise provides the brain with more fuel, and skill-based exercise increase the formation of connections in the brain, which according to the proposals of some scientist, may make the brain better able to process information.

  In one experiment, laboratory rats were separated into three groups.One group was exercised by running inside an automatic wheel, a second group improved their skills in a complicated obstacle course, and a third group was inactive.

  The animals that learned to go through the obstacle course exhibited a greater number of brain connections than the animals in the exercised or inacitve group, in contrast, the animals that exercised inside  the automatic wheel possedsed a greater desity of blood vessels in the brain than did either of the other two groups of animals

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